Sunday, January 23, 2011

Google Adsense Pendongkrak Pagerank Blog ?

Berita gadget - sebelumnya minta maaf kalau topik yang akan kami sajikan sedikit berbelok dari yang biasanya di posting pada blog ini, yaitu seputar gadget. Ini semua karena wujud kegembiraan penulis sekaligus info dan masukan untuk kawan-kawan blogger yang ingin menambah peringkat blognya agar cepat "naik kelas" di mata Google / Google Pagerank. (yang merasa punya pendapat lain, silahkan anda sampaikan disini agar penulis dan juga kawan-kawan blogger bisa tahu dan lebih pandai .... )

Begini ceritanya .......

Karena kesibukan dan juga kewajiban sebagai seorang kepala rumah tangga, yang harus memberi nafkah keluarga, penulis memang sempat fakum total selama dua bulan, tidak pernah "memberi nafkah" blog. Jangankan untuk update berita/ membuat postingan, melihat blog sendiri saja sangat jarang dilakukan. Jujur saja, ada perasaan rindu. Tapi roda kehidupan sedang berputar, penulis sedang di uji oleh Yang Memberi Hidup ...

Pertama memang karena faktor materi yang sudah tidak bisa memberi "makan" modem. Ada pertimbangan, "lebih baik saya belikan beras dari pada untuk beli pulsa buat modem, ketahuan keluargaku bisa makan :)". Selama proses 2 bulan itu, hanya satu tujuan yang ingin di cari penulis, yaitu, "saya harus bisa kerja, kerja dan kerja".

Alhamdulillah, Tuhan mengabulkan doa dan juga membukakan jalan untuk tetap bisa menjalankan kewajiban sebagai kepala rumah tangga. Singkat cerita, terhitung mulai minggu kemarin, penulis sudah bekerja di salah satu perusahaan asing di Jakarta. *cerita terus, kapan bahasnya ya ? Maaf, masih dalam suasana senang .. Hehehe ...

To the point.

Sebelumnya ( 2 bulan yang lalu ), blog ini memang sudah mempunyai peringkat di google (google pagerank). Tapi peringkatnya masih O. Setelah google adsense (GA) di approve sama om google, saya langsung tempel GA itu disini. Kira-kira 2,5 bulan yang lalu. Dulu, sebelum nongkrong GA, penulis memang aktif update blog. Bahkan setiap hari pasti online. Walaupun belum tentu posting artikel. Tetapi, peringkatnya masih tetap tidak mau beranjak dari O alias susah naik kelas. Jangankan 2, untuk cari peringkat satupun susahnya bukan main.

Lain halnya setelah penulis pasang GA. Jujur saja, pertama mengecek, iseng2 disela-sela kesibukan kerja. Wahhh .... !!! Kaget bercambur senang. Ternyata blog ini sudah punya peringkat. Peringkat 2 malah. Peringkat satu belum tahu kapan, bisa jadi langsung "loncat kelas". Hehehe. *(tolong dikoreksi kalau salah). Setelah dipikir2 dan dicari tahu penyebabnya, "kemungkinan" cepat naiknya peringkat blog ini di mata google pagerank adalah adanya GA. Kenapa bisa begitu ? Karena, GA adalah program iklan punya google. Sudah bisa diterka penyebabnya ?(untuk catatan, blog ini umurnya belum genap setahun)

Dengan adanya GA pada blog kita, sedikit banyak, kita sudah ikut andil memberi income pada perusahaan punya Sergey Brin dan Larry Page itu (mohon koreksi jika salah). Berdasarkan berpartisipasinya blog kita di program iklan google, kemungkinan google tidak segan untuk "melirik" bahkan memberi peringkat pada blog tsb. Semakin blog punya peringkat, kemungkinan untuk mendatangkan visitor lebih besar, karena secara ilmu SEO-nya sudah mudah di cari. Pengunjung/visitor banyak, kemungkinan untuk melihat iklan semain besar pula, dan pada akhirnya berimbas pada income google sebagai pemilik iklan, juga income pemilik blog itu sendiri.

Sekali lagi, itu pemikiran dan anggapan penulis dan belum tentu benar. Mungkin juga itu salah satu penyebabnya, karena memang ada beberapa tahapan yang harus kita lakukan untuk optimisasi blog. Silahklan anda cari sendiri.Jika para master ingin menambahkan atau mungkin mengkoreksi, monggo, well come, sok atuh, silahkan saja. Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat. Salam.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Motorola Xoom Tablet Android Honeycomb

Specifications Motorola Android Xoom Tablet Honeycomb From Motorola. Motorola Xoom is a tablet Android 3.0 with a 10.1-inch touch screen resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels. Using Nvidia's Tegra processor 2, the Motorola tablet also features HDMI and USB ports, and a 5MP camera with LED flash.

Motorola Xoom also known as the iPad rivals in 2011, Xoom is the first tablet that carries the Honeycomb Android operating system, which is very suitable to be implemented in the tablet. Motorola Xoom processor has dual core processors, promising a solid performance.

Honeycomb aka Android 3.0 is claimed to be the first Android operating system created specifically for the tablet. Xoom be special because the tablet first to adopt the Honeycomb.

Motorola Xoom is equipped with dual-core processors have a speed of 1 GHz. In addition, Xoom has 1 GB memory, 32 GB internal storage capacity and can be enlarged by using the SD card.

For display, the Motorola set-size 10.1-inch LCD screen. Xoom also has two cameras, 2 MP on the front and 5 MP in the back that accompanied the lights flash.

Specifications Motorola Xoom Tablet

* Android OS 3.0 Honeycomb
* 10.1-inch HD screen (1280x800)
* Dual-core Processor 1GHz
* Support Full HD 1080p with HDMI-out port
* Rear 5MP camera with 720p video recording capability
* Front camera for video chat 2MP
* WiFi and 3G connectivity (Verizon Wireless for U.S.)
* 4G LTE compatible with the addition of an external modem
* Available accessories Bluetooth keyboard and dock

How much price of Motorola Xoom and when slid yet no clear information.

LG G-Slate Tablet

LG announced a Tablet PC G-Slate in the arena CES 2011 (Consumer Electronic Show), LG G-Slate will use the Android operating system 3.0 Honeycaomb, and LG G-Slate is a product of prime 4G in 2011. But for the general specifications and price this Tablet PC is still not yet known.

LG G-Slate is marketed in the United States and also is a tablet with a 9 inch screen. G-Slate Tablet reportedly will be released globally next few months

Samsung TX 100 Tablet PC

Samsung TX 100 is a Tablet PC with sliding keyboard that were presented and announced at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2011. The operating system used Samsung TX 100 is very different from the Samsung Galaxy Tab, because the Galaxy Tab using Android, while Samsung TX 100 using the operating system Windows 7 and collaborate with Microsoft. All specifications are presented also very supportive of all, the prices given in accordance with the specifications given.

Samsung TX 100 was formerly known as Samsung Gloria, who will be competing for ipad, because Samsung also will never be satisfied if only to bring the Samsung Galaxy Tab only, because the presence of Samsung TX 100 will be able to attract the attention of consumers.

Samsung TX 100 referred to as a tablet touch screen that can change shape as the laptop, the way only by pulling a sliding keyboard and then bend it, it will turn into a laptop

One of the specifications of Samsung TX 100 of them are using an Intel Atom Z600 or Oak Trail, and the battery can last up to 9 hours. Yag price offered in the United States ranges from USD 700.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Micca Slim Full HD 1080p HD Portable Digital Media Player

Micca Slim Full HD 1080p HD Portable Digital Media Player has been released by Micca. Last year Micca hard drive-based portable media drive called the Slim HDD Digital Media Player. Based on the hard disk drive standard 2.5, DMP Slim can handle a variety of formats and has HDMI output 720p. The price offered is also very affordable, given the specification also supports the presence Micca Slim Full HD 1080p HD Portable Digital Media Player on the secondary market. The prices offered ranged from $ 59

Micca Slim-HD completely portable and powerful as a digital media player that provides music playback for all files, the popular photo, and video formats up to 1080p Full-HD resolution on a TV or HDTV. It has a 1080p HDMI output for sending a sharp and clear video and audio in a pure digital format for HDTV, and composite AV output for use with analog TV. The internal drive bay Slim HD accommodates all standard-height 2.5 "SATA hard drives up to 750GB storage capacity.

Micca Slim-HD has 1080p Full-HD digital media player, capable of decoding all popular video formats such as H.264/MKV, MOV, and AVI files, up to 1080p resolution and 40Mbps bit rate. In addition to supporting standard MP3, AAC, AC3, and DTS audio, Slim-HD also provides a downmix of audio TrueHD and DTS-MA/HR.

Slim Micca also popular as a simple digital signage devices with HDMI and Analog-AV interface and fault tolerant features, such as auto power-on, and multi-file loop

Here are the features that have Micca Slim Full HD 1080p HD Portable Digital Media Player:

* 720P high-resolution video and pure digital HDMI audio output
* Hardware generation to play various media formats
* Fast, responsive, and easy navigation
* Auto Conveneint resume and multi-file playback
* Playing a media file from an external USB drive, thumb drive, or / SD / SDHC flash cards
* Functioning as a portable hard drive with internal HDD
* Full function IR remote control next to the button device
* Ultra compact and portable for use at home or on the go.
* Internal 2.5 "SATA HDD drive bay up to 750GB

Slim-HD did not have other features such as playback or internet streaming Netlfix like the WD Live TV Hub. The media player takes the simplest form simply by plugging into your TV, navigate to the file you want.

By focusing on a compact form factor, ease of use, and ability to use as a portable USB drive and created a portable media drive 1080p.